Leather Sofa Cleaning Singapore – The Advice

leather sofa cleaning singapore expertMost contractors in Singapore who knows Leather Sofa Cleaning Singapore advice “When you want to maintain care for your leather sofa, use a moist soft cloth and apply some oil to give a fast clean to your leather on a weekly basis. These oils can be accessed from a furniture shop or shoe repair store nearby. Watermark will form when it is not immediately clean with a damp soft cloth. Wipe away any excess lather and polish the leather with a dry cloth and treat it with a leather conditioner just before it completely dries up.”

To get your leather sofa shiny again after many years of use requires special skills and technique as leather are made of special materials.

Leather Sofa Cleaning Singapore – Why 2 Factors?

There are two main factors which cause deterioration and damage of the leather upholstery – everyday use and the frequent application of improper cleaning ways and means on a regular basis. Normal wear and tear of leather are not reversible and so are ageing, however, they could give that furniture a fancy authentic look. However, regular treatment with inappropriate chemical agents onto the leather could render it brittle, cracking, and peeling.

Couches that are made with exotics leathers with designer pieces are costly. Avoid using home products that could destroy your upholstery and land up costing you lots of money as different kinds of leather require different cleaning methods. In lieu, we can offer to our clients’ professional advice, technical expertise and top-level professional leather sofa cleaning with no risk of damage or alteration involved. Book in advance & get up to 30% discount!

Keeping a leather sofa clean and shiny is no easy task if you are already an owner of one.

Leather Sofa Cleaning Singapore – The Process

A Comprehensive leather sofa cleaning procedure:

  • Mat leather, as well as the shiny one, is accepted by our cleaning company.
  • Special leather rejuvenator is applied to keep the pH balance in normal level.
  • A conditioner is often used to reinstate the softness and the moisture of the furniture.
  • Foam detergent is the best remedy that you can find on the market. We use it to keep the delicate material intact and to avoid shrinking or tearing.
  • Stain removal is included to remove all types of stains, including red wine, ink, urine, grease, blood, organic food.
  • Bad odour and deodorising effect can be also included in the service
  • Dusting is careful and attentive and if you have a pet, we can also remove the pet hairs


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